Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I got a formal invitation to a Masquerade party...
Great! I could show off all my beautiful clothes and fancy masks..

Unfortunately, this party lasts forever...

Yup! Internship is ending very very soon.
No more as a "student" status to step into this Masquerade party.
Because I HAVE TO become one of the guest.

As My Glam sis said,
"We’re ready are to get ambush by the big mean people out there in the society!"

I need this invitation to carry on my life...
Wearing a mask that covers my true self to protect myself...
Keep being taught that "not to trust anybody", "there's no true friend", "be careful"
Alright! Stop all the negative thoughts..
Sometimes there are just mean people purposely wants to bring you down.
But I have to search for more water, sunlight and air to grow into a more beautiful flower!
More beautiful than ANYONE else!

Maybe I should break the rule of the party! Without wearing a mask...
And ask everyone to follow me! Wheeee~ That would be so fun!
Just be ourselves, Just be yourself, Just be Myself!

Anyway, parties are suppose to be fun & glamourous! =)
Being Glamorous, is Being DIFFERENT!


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