Sunday, November 22, 2009


Sunday, November 22, 2009

He is Anthony. Knew him from the Taiwan Star Search show 5 (超级星光大道5)
Previously highly reccomended by friends to watch his performance.
Yes indeed, impressed by his one of his performance, he was singing "The Blower's Daughter"
He is an American mixed chinese and currently studying in Taiwan.

This morning I switch on AEC and saw him in the competition again.
This time he is singing Karen Mok's "如果没有你"
He is good-looking, He knows how to sing. He has a sincere voice.
But, What I do not like is how Taiwan's ShowBiz idolize him...

Its like...he has became not unique, not special anymore.
This time in this performance, he really cant reach the high pitch and his voice broke.
But the judges still saying "Yeah, this is good", "This is emotions", "This is the way he expressed" bla bla bla bla...and they gave him full marks. 5/5

Only 小胖老师, gave his honest judgement which he only gave him 4/5 and he said that although he can see through the emotional aspect from him but the standard of singing is still not there.
I truly agree. Even Anthony himself kept nodding his head when 小胖老师said that. And he looks surprised when other judges still gave him compliments.
Come on! A normal person also know that the note he reached is obviously broken! and its not what emotion or anything else! The judges are just....fix a mindset in their brains that he is good!and I do not know why they have to do that? I thought this competition is always professional since I watched the 1st season.

Afterthat, went to Youtube and search for his videos.
Yup, he is a blast within a night. Every forums kept talking about him and now he also owns an ad with McDonald's. He was on some of the Taiwan variety shows as well.

Okay, firstly, I wanna say, I really impressed in his singing, spontaneous composing, and acting.
He has a youtube channel with his friends and they did very funny videos and quite a number of singing works. He is talented. I like his McDonald's commercial as well.

But then when Taiwan ShowBiz starts to make him to become a blast...I felt...different.
He sang that song in the variety show "大学生了没" and the host, the audience kept "wow"-ing
You know! Taiwan!!! *rolls eyes*
Its like...a good performance has became like nothing...has became like something simple...
His sincere voice has became like an act. A performance which is to perform and no purpose behind it. Everybody starts crazy over him and it seems like his specialty has been covered and the focus has turned to something else.

Just like we used to say...Overrated!

I know it happens when we see people we like, we admire...
But then, maybe he is too special that I do not wanna be a person that supports him as anybody else. Anyway, this is what ShowBiz had potrayed.
Whether we like it or not, the person has to be popular, to create buzz in the society.
Kudos to Anthony! Really hope you can do well in the industry and sincerely, truly touched each and everyone that supports you.

I also feel that the competition should stop. Because it's getting more and more boring and not unique or special anymore. I stopped following since season 3.....its really too much!
What will the contestants from season 1 feel? What about the champion of Season 1?
What if everybody feels like they are just as same as the champions from other seasons. And what if actually there is only ONE champion that is really good?
I know this is a selfish thought but Good things are suppose to be only ONE, that's why, it's precious. isn't it?


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