Let's get over it... Promise?
Successfully ended 3 weddings this month...Relief...
Waiting to have fun and finish with a great ending.
Look! Babies!! Haha!
Went for babysitting at Denise's..Not exactly babysitting but crash into a mama-talk with Denise & Daphne...Haha! Just being a busybody. Hmm...as a full time mother is not really easy.. from taking care a 'fragile' creature to a mischevious kid then a rebelious teen to a well educated person.
Ok...its...really tough..
But undeniably they are freakingly cute!!
Pictures above are their kids, from left, Joel (Daphne's 1 year old son), Anderson (Denise's 4 year old son), & YangXuan (Denise's 11 months old son)
The last time I saw Anderson was a shy little 2 year old kid. And now he has became super active and playful. He is more talkative than before too! He was running here and there, doing role plays (you know...kids!)...and much more funny stuff.
Stepping into July...Durian Season all the way...(eeewww!) I hate Durians..Do you know that I will feel giddy if I am sitting in a car with full of Durians? LOL! I dunnoe why, but I only know that one day I woke up in the morning when I was Sec 2, I cant stand durians since then...
Picture shown was actually a small Durian party at my buddhist centre last week...Erm...and now my refrigerator is full of DURIANS!!! =.=
Was on night shift yesterday..like it as usual! =)
For the 100th time I went to Vivo's within these 2 months.... =.= I ordered the Chocolate Brownie with Vanilla Icecream...Yummy!
Guess what? I had a sweet encounter afterthat...Aww! Desserts never fails to make me happy!
Thats why Im lovin' it! *smiles*
There was a really big rainpour this morning. On the way to work, thick stormy clouds spreading..Especially the wind! Its seriously strong! Almost blew me away!
After the rain, its a sunshine day...
Wonder why? Because 2012 is approching! Wahaha!
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