Sunday, May 17, 2009

Language is SO important

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Last time i worked in Sea World, When i met guests from China & Taiwan, I can communicate with them fluently with Mandarin, which people dunnoe mandarin can't do that. And Im very happy I could help them with no communication gap between us.

This time i work in Starbucks, when i met Japanese customers, i really really really want to communicate with them in Japanese...
But my 'All-Return-To-Teacher' nihongo is soooo poor and I really only know the simple nouns or phrases.

I DONT wanna be the ordinary ones that only know how to say 'Arigato Gozaimasu'!
I cannot let my Japanese Teacher down!
I really wanna create a conversation in nihongo with nihonjin!!!!
I dun care I dun care I dun CARE!

Therefore, i need to polish up this language and next time i can talk to them!
Of course i also need to learn the phrase: Im still a beginner level in Japanese.
If not later they really thought I can speak and they shoot all the powerful powerful nihongo
Then i can die dot com!

Before this post, I actually had a post last time about I wanna learn Japanese....

(Its the one with HCH eating the onigiri with a greedy face, super funny! If u all wanna laugh again, please click HERE!)

Till now....=.= not fulfiled! NO ACTION!!!!! MISSION FAILED!
So cannot already!
Zettai Gambarimasu!


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