Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Coolest Thing I had Ever Heard

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I worked in Sea World for 3 months in Orlando, USA. I had gained a lot of experience and unforgettable memories. It was a great opportunity to learn upgrade myself.

There was one thing I never ever forget in this memorable trip. Which was a statement that a lady told me when I was working.

This was the situation:

I was selling drinks in front of Shamu stadium; a lady who was in her mid 30’s approached me and bought four bottles of Pepsi. Previously, she had bought 2 packets of popcorn and also 1 Nachos from the refreshment bar. After paying for the Pepsis, she started looking at all the stuff she bought and figuring out how to get all of those with both of her hands.

I was like “Err…How can I help her?”, Then I ask her whether she needs a tray, and I was preparing to get one for her.

But she rejected. No more than 5 seconds, she grabbed all the stuff with both of her hands and told me with a smile and lots of “semangat”: “I am a Mom”.

I was stunned for a while, and I replied with a smile.

Yes, that was the statement. “I AM A MOM….”

I really thought deeply, that was so cool!

This is just a small little matter for a mother to take it.

Yes, all the mothers are the coolest species in the whole wide world!

Don’t you agree?

A mother had to carry an approximately 3 kilograms ‘ball’ in her stomach for 9 months.

A mother had to eat more to ensure the cute little baby in her stomach gain good nutrition for 9 months.

A mother had to be very careful to ensure the safety of the cute little baby in her stomach for 9 months.

After 9 months, the mother had to stand the severe pain to deliver the ‘alien-like scary and bloody thing’ out of her body.

After 9 months, she has to educate, she has to care, she has to love, she has to entertain, and she has to be responsible for the ‘rascal’ until the day she leaves the world.

Our mother sacrifices her youth and beauty, her sexy sparkling dinner gown, her exotic orange coloured bikini, her hard-earned money on us.

What should we still ask from our mother?

Isn’t she great? Isn’t she strong? Isn’t she precious to all of you?

Look at all the things a mother had done.

Now we know, it is really easy to carry 2 packets of popcorn, 1 Nachos and 4 bottles of Pepsis compare to all the things a mother had done for us.

On the second Sunday of May every year, will be the day that dedicated to all the mothers in the world. Remembrance of the effort, time, and money they had contributed to all their children.

On this day, I will also like to say out very loud:


Tons of gratefulness which I can’t use words to describe, but I just hope what I had done, also proofs that the love that you had gave it to me before and it will last forever…


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