Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Letter from Justin (Classmate)

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Below is a note written by my fellow classmate, Justin
It's SUPER funny....
I mean....for us lah, cos its related to
Batch 2007 (March Intake) Bachelor in Communication & Media Management UniSA Taylor's

Well hellowww there
Fellow grumpy classmates who share the same bitterness towards Taylors..
Hope yall doing great..
My throat is quite sore now from the karaoke session..
Thanks again Nick and Wyan..
Just realised in two weeks time, I won't be your classmate anymore..
Will be too busy rockin' it in aus with the rest..
Probabbly when I come back from Aus everyone would be too busy growing up..

Nick would be attached with some powerhouse corporation... always seen with a suit and a tie,
Cassie.. umm.. she'll be a housewife.. coz she's good at it..Trips to the market.. gossips,, and spankin her children..
Szujane will still be waiting for her sister to graduate so she can go overseas..
Hon will be a news reporter coz she sounds like one..
Felix.. some how would end up in the fashion industry.. lol.. i dunt know why..
Big Shark.. Nick's assistant..
Scott.. still a gym trainer with alot of aunties paying for his clothes..
Jean.. still talkin loudly.. probbably in PR
Ione.. would be still listenin to Paris Hilton.
Fendi would be in parliament arguing points he made up in the car on the way there..
or probably in jail for ISA..
Mark would be missing,
Tara would be back in Indonesia making a fortune selling crabs.. cos there don't have ;o)
(Forgot who ask her wether indonesia got crabs when we were in Teluk Gong... LOL)
Hazel would be back in PD helping her mom's business for a bit till she marries a rich handsome guy she met on the beach.. becomes a housewife and calls Cassie up while they compare husbands
Joanne will still be in Taylors..
Johnson will still be planning Plan X... LOL
Eiran.. photography.. DUH..
Vijaya .... jobless loser.. Lol.. Yeah..

Yup....This is it! But Justin a!!! U left out Mel and Emily lar~~~
Anyway, quite touched when i read this note over and over again.
Yes indeed! Those who are goin to Aussie land are not our classmates anymore in 2 weeks time..
So sad......
I really had a great time during the sing K session wif all of u guys...
Its alr a fact, when things come to the end, we only will appreciate it....
Yes, now i really appreciate to hav u guys as frens during my college days,
Although im not really close wif some of the ppl, but still very grateful to meet u!
Next year, My classmates are the ppl in the list above and the 2 that Justin left out....LOL
Another 8 guys and gals will leave us and continue their studies in Aus
Now its time to leave a note to them luuuu....


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